Kennet can help arrange a loan facility that is paid directly into your business, to use however you wish. Whether it’s for cash flow, building work, stock, wages….we can help.
Our products include:
Unsecured Loans
Available from between 1 and 5 years.
Secured Loans
Available from between 1 to 10 years.
Cash Advance
If you have a card machine to take customer payments, cash can be paid into your bank. Repayments are simply deducted as an agreed percentage of your card takings, until the loan is paid off. This flexible plan keeps in line with your business turnover – and you won’t even need to change your card machine.
Tax Bill and Vat Loans
Has your business made a profit? Instead of paying the tax man straight away, take the strain off your cash flow. Repayments can be made between 3 and 12 months.
Each loan product is subject to specific terms and conditions.
All loans are subject to credit checks and status.
More info?
For more information on loan products, please call 01675 469200 or email [email protected].